Monday, September 22, 2014

A Walk In Wardrobe

Assalamualaikum all! Today I shall blog about something I've really wanted since few years ago. A walk in wardrobe. YESS!! Isn't it cool to have your dream walk in wardrobe?? I've always wanted an extra room in total white, and decorate it like those country styles. Which means I can have a few racks to hang my oh-so-many clothes. This is because I find it extremely troublesome to find clothes which are folded in those normal wardrobe. I mean of course it's easier to search for clothes which are hanged than those which are folded in wardrobes. 

Well, this is what I'm talking about. As you can see, a walk in wardrobe helps you store your stuffs in a more organised manner. 

So my mum told me she's gonna revamp my whole room which includes painting the room in pastel pink. Can't wait for some furniture hunt !!!

Till then;
Fiqah :)

Friday, September 5, 2014

" A true friend cares about your Akhirah "

Assalamualaikum all! Finally, I am done with my exams and now I'm having my semester break. I have been rotting at home since then. Well, the past few weeks hadn't been so good for me. There are so many things that have been bothering me. Should I say I'm currently in a state of confusion? Well, maybe yea.

Sometimes I wonder if those whom I call 'friends' are really sincere to befriend me. I may appear as someone very naive, but at the same time loves to joke around my friends and just laugh at even little things. It's hard for me to get angry and that explains why I just keep silent if any of my friends did something that really hurt my feelings. I just don't want things to get from bad to worse and I really treasure my friendship with them.

I now realise, 'close friend'/'best friend'/'good friend' are three different things. No doubt, I am quite close to most of my poly and secondary school friends. However, I must say, I can only count on one or two of them. EVERYONE can listen to you ranting your problems to them, but only some truly care for you, sadly. Do any of you have that one friend whom you don't talk to or hang out with that often, but no matter what, they will always be there for you and make you feel secure? Alhamdullilah, I thank Him for that one friend. At times, I do feel sad and all I wanted to do was to go somewhere peaceful and stare at the blue sky. 

No doubt, poly has changed bits and parts of my daily life. In terms of how i dress, how i talk, how i mix around with people and stuffs. Most of the time, I do feel lonely, lost, clueless and confused. But I must always remind myself that I am not alone. I still have Him. 

Till then;
Fiqah :)